bottlenecking reckoning
So, you finally saved up your pennies to go to your local Micro Center to buy a brand new GTX 1080 Ti, you remove it from its static-free prison after opening the most holy of cardboard, and you gently place your pride and joy in the 16x slot, start up your favorite game and…find no performance increase whatsoever. Now, most people wouldn't think twice about buying a new GPU to enhance their gaming experience, because the GPU handles graphics, and games are mostly graphic based, right? First, slow your roll, you came here to ask me real questions. Second, good question, and the answer is yes, but there's a catch. Now yes, video games are mostly graphic based and do require a powerful GPU to run the pretty pictures smoothly, but there also needs to be a good CPU and a proper amount of RAM for everything to run smooth as melted butter. Let's talk about the situation that everyone hates to encounter after an expensive upgrade: Bottlenecking. Bottlenecking is a gen...